Former imam welcomed back to speak at mosque on 31 July

Waikato Muslim Association Inc is pleased to welcome back its former imam Shaykh Dr. Anwar Sahib, who will speak at the monthly Islamic programme on Saturday 31 July.

"Shaykh Anwar was the imam at the Hamilton Mosque for a number of years during the 2000s before moving to Auckland," said Asad Mohsin, president of the Association.

Shaykh Anwar gained his higher education at Madinah University in Saudi Arabia, where he gained a Bachelor's degree in Islamic Studies, followed by a Master’s degree and PhD in Qur’anic Sciences.

"The topic of Shaykh Anwar's talk is 'Achieving balance in life', something I am sure we will all benefit from hearing," said Asad Mohsin.

The programme is for both genders and all ages. It will be held at the Hamilton Mosque at 921 Heaphy Terrace after Maghrib (sunset) prayers on Saturday 31 July.

Details of the programme can be found here.