Hamilton Mosque stays closed for four more days: support available for everyone

The Hamilton Mosque at 921 Heaphy Terrace, Claudelands, Hamilton will remain closed until 11:59pm on 24 August 2021. The ongoing closure is required due to the extension of COVID-19 alert level 4 nationwide.

"This is distressing for all of us. Let us pray and hope that the government’s response helps the fast-moving situation," said Asad Mohsin, President of the Waikato Muslim Association Inc.

To help limit the current community outbreak, people should restrict their movements as the government has advised and wear a mask, maintain physical distancing and use the COVID-19 app when they go out. 

"We should get tested if we have symptoms or have been to any location of interest. We also encourage everyone to get vaccinated as soon as they are able," said Asad Mohsin.

The government is providing financial support for individuals and whānau (including foreign nationals) and businesses. However it may be difficult for some people to access this support or they are in need of something else. 

"We understand this can be a challenging time. As we showed during Alert Levels 3 and 4 in 2020, the Waikato Muslim Association is ready and able to help you, by Allah's grace," said Asad Mohsin.

The Waikato Muslim Association office is available from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday throughout Alert Level 4. The Association can be contacted by any of the means listed at its website and WhatsApp. The voice mailbox is also checked outside these hours. 

"It is important at times like this for us to be able to contact each other. Register for our contact list  at our website and save our office number (07 855 0567) to your mobile phone," said Asad Mohsin. 

Waikato Muslim Association is setting up a WhatsApp broadcast list using the mobile numbers in its contact list. This will allow it to send multimedia messages and protect recipients' privacy by not displaying their number to other recipients. Recipients must have Waikato Muslim Association's number (07 855 0567) saved in their mobile phone to receive messages this way.

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